Initial macOS (Apple Silicon) Setup
Sometimes I like to wipe my Macbook and start over but I forget some little things that make starting over frustrating.
I am not going to give full detail instructions on how I install it. I usually just follow the steps from the project site. I will only include nuances that I may do different or in addition to the normal steps.
App List:
- Homebrew -
- oh-my-zsh -
- Docker -
- My dotfiles -
- asdf -
- 1Password -
First thing first, xcode-select --install
, we want to install the Command Line Tools to get some basic packages installed. More specifically,
we want git installed so we can clone Homebrew, oh-my-zsh, and the dotfiles.
While we’re at it we will go ahead and install rosetta, softwareupdate --install-rosetta
. I don’t really like installing this if I don’t have to but
there’s some versions in asdf that do not have an arm version for Apple Silicon.
Homebrew, oh-my-zsh, and dotfiles are the first to be installed. There is no particular order. Homebrew gets installed in the user’s home directory under
, I don’t have to worry about system conflicts or permission issues in the home directory because I have full access here.
I basically use the information from with some revisions.
Homebrew Packages
- ansible
- asdf
- awscli
- binutils
- bzip2
- coreutils
- curl
- diffutils
- findutils
- gawk
- gnu-getopt
- gnu-sed
- gnu-tar
- gnu-which
- gzip
- grep
- gcc
- gh
- git
- git-flow-avh
- jq
- libpq
- make
- mysql-client
- mysql-client@5.7
- openssl
- pwgen
- session-manager-plugin
- sqlite
- tree
- vim
- wget
- zsh
- zsh-autosuggestions
- zsh-syntax-highlighting
macOS UI Applications from Homebrew
- firefox
- github
- google-chrome
- slack
- visual-studio-code
- zoom